Parent Education and Support

“This is the best thing I can do for my family while I’m in here. Even though I can’t be home, I’m with them every night.”
– jailed parent in The Literacy Link program

“I should be leaving tomorrow… so I just wanted to thank you for helping me leave a better dad than I came in.”
– Dad in parent education class

The Literacy Link brings a variety of parent education and coaching programs to boost parents’ nurturing skills. 

Dialogic Reading and Coaching Workshops – Online and in-person workshops for caregivers that encourage active literacy practices.

Visitation Lobbies – Interactive resources for caregivers and children are provided while waiting.

Electronic Tablets – Parenting and family strengthening materials are uploaded onto facility tablets for incarcerated parents to use.

Parenting Inside OutParents in jail are offered this evidence-based parenting program.


  • Parents learn the importance of using reading as a tool for positive interactions.
  • The workshops and tablets teach parents techniques to improve their parenting and relationship skills with their family. 
  • Children receive a book while visiting their parents, and are allowed to take it home to build their own library.  
  • Parenting Inside Out is an evidence-based parenting program that has shown to reduce recidivism among incarcerated parents.